yannick guédon
fr | en
terrir 1 to 4 performers 2025
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ s choir of volunteers 2023
un champ, au milieu sound walk 2021
a s p e _ 3 singers 2021
e s p a _      - solo version 2020
     - 7 or 8 singers 2018
l'insistance des possibles viola, cello, voice 2016
chaque chose clarinet, flute, guitar, timpani, trombone, violin, cello 2015
( _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ ) performance in cemetery 2015
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ treble viola da gamba, voice
     - indoor version 2015
     - outdoor version 2014
_ _ t e m p _ _ performance with the artist Thomas Bernardet 2014
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ voice, electroacoustic 2013
a t _ e m p t _ research on the sounds and silences left by the previous artist in residence 2012
 a _ t e m p _ s treble viola da gamba, electroacoustic 2011
pause cello, clarinet, guitar, percussion, voice 2010
soupir cello, clarinets, guitars, percussions, voice 2009
infimie voice, electroacoustic, lights 2008
pitulatif voice 2007
ticdĂȘ 3 singers 2007